Institucional Modality

Experimental Bilingual Program


In 1995 the specialists German Navarro Tossi and Carlos Masis Acosta, advisers to “Junta Administrativa del Hospicio de Huérfanos de Cartago”, elaborated the theoretical, pedagogical and philosophical proposal of this new educational modality. Once presented to the Higher Education Council, it approved it based on the recommendation of a commission formed for its analysis. This is how in March 1995 it was put it into practice for the first time and our institution was the first to develop and apply it. Later, the Ministry of Education expanded it, over the years, to form a group of seventeen educational centers under this curriculum plan.

Experimental Conception

Its experimental conception corresponds to the idea of making the curriculum more flexible in such a way that with the implementation it gets adapted according to the results, either incorporating new content or subjects or eliminating them from the study plan, either increasing the number of lessons or decreasing their quantity and adapting teaching practices.

Working with halves of groups in various subjects is incorporated into this approach in order to personalize teaching, especially in the area of English, to make the learning process more efficient.

Develop language skills:
Áreas desarrolladas:
Reinforcement of knowledge
Pedagogical model principles
Stimulations that aid learning

We complement with learning methods such as:

Vocational Interests

Start to be outlined with Exploratory Workshops